Thursday, October 30, 2008


please view in internet explorer


Description: The 3 PDF's show rendered images and research into the redesign of the Silkeborg Museum, with 2 sketchup animations on the model as the u3d file i exported from microstation had problems and the model did not appear but only a grey image. Section, site and elevation hav been made in SketchUp with different styles to the model (eg. Sketchy).
The main idea in the posters was keeping it simple and consistant with plain black background and images flowing all in the same direction (vertically) - also having the texts in columns so that it was easier on the eye.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sketches and images

The Course of the ramps which will be cut out of the earth leading to the three different caves is a system, which was developed through several unrealised projects such as the Farum City Center and the Herning Export school.

Terrain made in SketchUp using sandbox and adding contour lines to reinforce the idea of terracing.